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Tie Wire Wedge Anchor Box of 100

Tie Wire Wedge Anchor
$45.90 Our Price:

Product Code: ODM-IP

Description Technical Specs
Tie Wire Wedge Anchor Box of 100. Tie wire wedge anchors for suspending ceiling grid wire and jack chain. Easy to install, drill 1/4" hole, hammer in and pull down. A great option when concrete is to brittle to shoot or you are looking for a little more holding power than a powder actuated clip will offer. Available pre tied to ceiling grid wire and now can be easily installed from the floor with the ODM Overhead Drill Machine and I Driver. Maximum static load should not exceed 100 lbs. Test data.
Compare to:
Hilti's Ceiling Anchor HHDCA 1/4"®
Red Head's 1/4" x 2-1/8" Tie Wire Wedge Anchor®
UCAN's Tie Wire Anchor®
Powers' Tie Wire SPIKE Anchor®

  • Easy install with 1/4" hole
  • Fast secure installation
  • STI Specialized Independent Testing Offers more holding power
  • Can be installed from the floor!

Accessories for this product...
1/4" SDS Halt Bit I Wedge Driver
$9.60 Our Price:

$59.95 Our Price:

1/4" SDS Halt Bit I Wedge Install Tool

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Concrete Anchoring > Wedge Anchors
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Concrete Anchoring > Wedge Anchors > 1/4" Wedge Anchors
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Concrete Anchoring